Always be prepared when hiking, camping and spending time in the great outdoors with the help of this handy Coghlan's Four Function Whistle. It is constructed of durable materials and comes equipped with all the features needed to ensure safety in a variety of situations. This safety whistle comes with an attached 2.5X magnifier, a built-in two-scale Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometer and a compass on the top. It also comes ready with a convenient quick attach, spring-loaded metal clip to secure it to a belt, lanyard, backpack, and more.
- Brand Name: Coghlan's
- Color: Black
- Product Type: Whistle
- Height: 6.875 in.
- Width: 4.00 in.
- Length: 0.75 in.
- Number in Package: 1 pk
- Material: Metal
- Packaging Type: Carded
- 4 functions: Thermometer, magnifier, compass and whistle